Passing While Running and Aggressive Receiving Soccer Drill (U8, U10, U12, U14 to Adult)
Soccer Drills that Really Work
This soccer drill teaches Passing While Running, Aggressive Receiving, turning, speed dribbling, importance of “first-touch” control, and one-touch play. This soccer drill is for U8, U10, U12, U14 to Adult soccer players.
This soccer drill is a game and is highly recommended. It is self-teaching, you will see fast results, and the set-up is easy. This drill teaches “Aggressive Receiving”, which means that receivers MUST stay alert, on their toes, and stop the pass, no matter how bad it is…. they MUST assume that every pass will be bad, get in front of it, and NOT let it get past them.
The passing part of this soccer game may be too hard for U-6. If so, just have them stick to the “Dribble Around Cone & Back Relay Race” soccer drill.
Click here for Detailed Instructions for the Passing While Running & Aggressive Receiving Soccer Drill

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